Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Social Work Question


Special population: African Americans and the criminal justice system.

The paper must be in APA Style 7. It should utilize 12 pt. Times New Roman font with 1 inch margins all the way around. The paper should also be 10-12 pages in length including the cover page, abstract and any reference pages.

Throughout the semester you have focused on your chosen “special population” along with a specific social issues such as, health care disparities, adequate housing, unemployment, inadequate education, the criminal justice system, or voting suppression.

You have created survey questions and completed an annotated bibliography of scholarly articles related to your topic. Making use of your annotated bibliography and content learned throughout the course, you will create a summary and recommendation paper that outlines a hypothetical research project. You do not need to carry out the project, but you will complete the following in detail:

I. Introduction

  • Identify your specific population and social issue of focus. Provide a summary of the current data (statistics) related to your population and the social issue.
  • In this section, you are sharing the problem you would like to research. The introduction is your opportunity to convince the reader that your topic is worthy of research. You will use references (that will be expanded upon in the literature review) to explain the problem.

II. Literature Review

  • Integrate what is known about your population based upon prior research. Summarize and synthesize findings from prior research with this population and tell the reader what has already been established.  **Use the resources from your Annotated Bibliography.
  • Specifically identify what you have learned about your population based on your review of both qualitative and quantitative research.
  • Explain how the qualitative and quantitative literature complement one another in helping you to understand how your concerns and/or specific issues may relate to your population of interest.
  • Qualitative / Quantitative Survey Instruments:
    • Provide a brief summary of the information you hope to gather from members of your population, via this survey instrument.
    • Provide a bulleted list of 5-7 qualitative and quantitative research questions you would ask members of the identified population which would allow you to gather the data you need to complete your study. (From the Week 3 assignment).

III. Summary of Population’s Needs and Strengths

  • Based on the literature review, identify a need for an intervention on the micro, mezzo, or macro level (pick one).
  • Explain: Why is this population in need of a targeted intervention? In what ways are they vulnerable, or how could their lives be improved by an intervention?
  • Identify the strengths and resources of this population.

IV. Proposed Intervention

  • Make a recommendation for a specific intervention(s). The intervention can be in the form of an evidenced-based clinical tool, the addition of a program or service, a staff training, or an agency policy or social macro-level policies.
  • Explain your rationale for selecting this intervention based on the literature that you reviewed. 
  • Describe how this intervention/s could be carried out. In other words, what should be done and how could it be done?
  • Address how the proposal is culturally sensitive to the needs of their population.
  • (Students can use their internship setting, their employment setting and/or or another setting as a frame of reference or utilize a macro lens).

V. Evaluation of Proposed Intervention

  • Describe how you would evaluate the impact of the intervention you discussed in item IV. How would you know if the intervention was successful?
  • Describe briefly the type of research design you would use to evaluate the intervention.
  • Describe how you would select a sample to represent the population of interest (sampling strategy).
  • Describe how you would select or develop one or more instruments that are reliable and valid (instrumentation/measurement). 
  • Explain how you would ensure that your plan would reflect culturally informed and ethical approaches to evaluation. 


  • 12 pt. Times New Roman Font
  • 1-inch margins
  • 10-12 pages in length including your cover page, abstract and any reference pages
  • Include at least 7 -10 scholarly articles
  • APA style (7th edition)
  • Demonstrate professional writing (proper grammar, correct spelling, free from typos).

Health Medical Homework Help