Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. HUN 2000 Rasmussen College MOD2 SEC8 WK5 Important Nutrients Powerpoint


Module 02 Assignment – Create Nutrients PowerPoint

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Module 02 Content

  • Carbohydrates
  • Lipids (Fats)
  • Proteins
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Water
  • Your PowerPoint presentation should:
  • Have a title slide.
  • Contain at least 6 content slides.
  • Reflect proper spelling and grammar.
  • Cite at least 2 credible references and present the sources in APA format on a References slide.
  • Choose five (5) specific nutrients from within the nutrient categories listed above. You may choose either:
  • a mixture of five (5) macro and micro nutrients
  • For example, you can use 2 macronutrients (such as lipids and carbohydrates) and 3 micronutrients (such as specific vitamins and minerals)
  • five (5) different vitamins or minerals
  • For example, 2 vitamins (such as A and D), 2 major minerals (such as sodium, calcium, and potassium), and 1 trace mineral (such as zinc).
  • For each of the nutrients you selected, create content slides that address the following:
  • Explain the function(s) of the nutrient within the body.
  • Describe how the nutrient is metabolized (where primarily digested, absorbed, and transported) within the body.
  • Identify the current Reference Daily Intake (RDI) for the nutrient for an average adult.
  • Writing Guide: PowerPoints
  • PowerPoint FAQ 
  • How do I know if a source is credible?
  • PowerPoint & APA: citing sources and creating reference lists in PPT presentations

Health Medical Homework Help