Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. C 986 Grand Canyon University Healthcare Delivery Model Comparison Analysis Paper


Propose a new integrated delivery system to the Phoenix Veterans Affairs Health Care System (PVAHCS) executive leadership by doing the following:


A. Healthcare Delivery Model Comparison


Compare your proposed integrated PVAHCS model with the nonintegrated Phoenix Veterans Health Administration (VHA) model, as described in the OIG report. Include each of the following eight points for each system in your comparison:


Nonintegrated Phoenix VHA Model

Proposed Integrated PVAHCS Model

What guidelines are in place for leadership?

What guidelines are in place for transparency?

What is the leadership hierarchy structure?

What resources exist for addressing long patient waiting lists?

How is care coordinated across departments (e.g., emergency, mental health, etc.)?

Which key departments and services need to collaborate to provide optimal care to veterans?

Which areas or domains (e.g., clinical, operational, leadership, financial, ethical, other) are most vulnerable?

Who is responsible for bearing the risks described above?


B. Current Phoenix VHA System Analysis


Discuss which structural characteristics and system failures in the PVAHCS contributed to each of the OIG violations.


1. Explain how to systemically address the structural characteristics and system failures:


OIG Violation

Structural characteristics and system failures

How to systemically address structural characteristics and system failures

Clinically significant delays in care.

Omission of the names of veterans waiting for care from its electronic wait list (EWL).

Noncompliance in following established scheduling procedures.

Organizational culture that emphasized goals at the expense of patient care.

Scheduling deficiencies systemic throughout VHA.


C. New Integrated PVAHCS Analysis


Provide a corrective solution from your proposed integrated PVAHCS for one identified OIG violation.


1. Explain which structural characteristics of the proposed integrated system would be most relevant in addressing the violation identified in part C.


2. Justify your reasoning for part C1.


Violation from the OIG report:

Explain which structural characteristics of the proposed integrated system would be most relevant in addressing the violation identified:

Structural Characteristics



D. ERM Plan


Create a new ERM plan for the violation identified in part C that is relevant to the Phoenix VHA as part of the proposed integrated PVAHCS. Include each of the following points in your ERM plan:


ERM Plan for the Identified Violation:

Strategies to identify potential risks:

Tools for risk quantification:

An appropriate risk response plan:

The role of organizational readiness:

Continuous risk monitoring efforts, including responsible personnel:



E. APA Sources


Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

Health Medical Homework Help