Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. GCU Harm Reduction Substance Abuse Discussion


The Program “Harm Reduction” provided by Sacramento County, target people who are living with a substance use disorder. I propose to adapt this program, to target youth choosing to join a gang, instead of getting involved in curriculum activities, such as music program, sports, and theater. I would recommend using incentives, to get them to want to focus on their future, such as access to programs, and extra curriculum activities, that prepare at risk youth for future careers, and shift their outlook on life. Provide interactive educational engagement programs, such as classroom theory and on the job training in chosen career field, or what they are passionate about. It is important to think outside of the box for at risk youth, their needs are specific and programs should be tailored to provide the supplies, skills, and education, that they lack access to. It is also imperative to involve the youth in planning programs, because they need to become aware of their self-worth, and recognize the importance of valuing the gifts, talents and abilities, they have to offer. They have to be assisted to get to a position, where they are able to see a bright future, a place of hope.

 The powerful increase in intercultural cooperation and the attendant compound problems of fairness, racism, intolerance, fear, and marginalization have compelling negative impacts on disparate social organizations, and point to the need for artistry and groundworks that can oversee these problems (Gopalakrishnan.)

Health Medical Homework Help