Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. nsg498 week3


In this assignment, you will research best practices to identify an effective intervention for your selected problem. Your goal is to gather evidence form scholarly literature to support the most effective intervention strategy.

The performance appraisal tools in this week’s learning activities will help you determine appropriate scholarly sources of evidence to cite this week.

Locate at least 3 original research articles that provide evidence for your proposed solution to your selected problem.

The articles must be peer reviewed, published within the past 5 years, and statistically significant.

Write a 350-word summary (x3) of each article in which you:

  • Identify current guidelines or best practices relating to your proposed solution, or if there are protocols, the current standard of care.
  • Define your proposed intervention(s) to address the problem.
  • Explain how the intervention will result in a solution to the problem.


  • This assignment is to be formatted as a single paper – do not submit the three article summaries separately.
  • Include a single Reference Page as the last page of the paper with all three references listed in APA format.
  • Your paper must be organized using APA Level I headings.

Submit your assignment.

Health Medical Homework Help