Health Sciences homework help

Health Sciences homework help. This is an assignment that focuses on the effectiveness of intervention and its possible implications. The paper also provides guidelines to answering this assignment.,The effectiveness of intervention and its possible implications,Assignment,The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to practice interpreting and disseminating the findings / results of an evidence-based project.  This assignment will promote further exploration and application of the content presented in the case study.  For this assignment you will play the role of one of the ,DNP prepared clinicians, completing the evidence-based practice change project.  Using the “Self-Efficacy Dataset” and the statistical analysis completed in assignment #2, you will present a scholarly paper evaluating the outcomes.  You are to also describe the participants (using demographics), discuss if and also how effective the intervention was in achieving the intended outcome, and identify the potential implications of the intervention.  Additionally, to successfully complete this assignment you will need to refer to each phase of the case study, and the content and discussions presented in weeks 4– 9.  (Focused assignment on methods, outcomes, and discussion.),Guidelines:, 1.      Firstly, include a discussion related to the following sections:, a.      Secondly, the metric tool used for data collection, b.      Participant demographics, c.      Intended outcome compared to actual outcome, d.      Effectiveness of the intervention, e.      Potential implications related to patient outcomes, 2.      Include at least 3 appropriately formatted visual items that reflect/illustrate data describing the participants, the outcome, and a pre/post comparison of one data point.  Note:  You are required to also use at least two different formats (e.g., table, bar graph, etc).  Properly insert one of the visual items in the body of the paper.  Also attach the remaining two items as a correctly formatted appendix at the end of the paper., 3.      Page limit – (maximum 3-5 pages, not counting cover page, references, & appendixes)., 4.      Save your Word document using the following format “Last Name_Assignment3_NUR 707”.

Health Sciences homework help