Health Sciences homework help

Health Sciences homework help. Compose a 750 words essay on Hitler’s greatest mistake. Needs to be plagiarism free!Hitler was very much overconfident about invading Russia. The troop was not provided with winter clothing or equipments. More than half of Germen troops were frozen to death. The invasion was started on three fronts, in the south towards the Ukraine, in the north towards Leningrad, and centre towards Moscow. The moves were initially considered as successful advances. Within few days the Luftwaffe achieved air supremacy. German troops started encircling Russian defenders. Nazi legions soon conquered 1200 tanks and 600 big guns. They also gained more than 150,000 prisoners. Hitler attempted to control Russia to a great extent. Their crucial aim was to gain control over Leningrad-Moscow-Volga line. Germany’s three-pronged invasion was intended for seizing production areas in Ukraine and the Donetz basin. Germany’s plans were to acquire mineral deposits, oil and grain. They attempted to capture the Black and Baltic seas. Russian citizens were encouraged to accept the ‘scorched policy’. They were instructed that if they were forced to evacuate from their place they should not leave anything behind. They should evacuate fully. Germans at the same time started feeling trouble as weather was becoming disadvantageous for them. Russian partisan groups were gaining strength as they began imposing big tolls on supply convoys. Germans gained control over Riga, Smolensk and Kiev. They invaded Stalingrad to acquire the oilfields of Cacasus in August 1942.

Health Sciences homework help

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