History homework help

History homework help. This is a paper that is focusing on the description of nanostructure materials for biomedical applications. The paper also provides additional questions to answer throughout the assignment paper.,The description of nanostructure materials for biomedical applications,You should write this term paper including Figures only within an assigned page limit. (Otherwise, there will be a penalty.), You can search papers using google scholar. If you need help in searching papers or have some questions, please attend TA office hours to raise your questions., Find relevant papers (only published between 2012 and 2020) to what were described in the lecture. They should not be the same papers described in the lecture., Your answers should use the subjects, concepts, and also terminologies used in the lecture., You can write your answers in English or Korean but you must use English only for main terminologies., Please write your answers concisely, limited to two pages for each question 1 and 2(Maximum 2 pages per each question excluding this instruction page.). Additionally, in the answers, you cannot use an exact copy of sentences used in the paper., For each question, please include figure drawn by hand or programs (e.g. powerpoint). You cannot use an exact copy of the figure shown in the paper., If your answers appear to be “too similar (approximately over 30%)” to those of other student and also any previous papers by plagiarism prevention software, evaluation, the instructor/TA will have a full right to give zero points for such answers AND also attitude 10 points., Use Times New Roman font 12pt / line spacing 1.15,The description of nanostructure materials for biomedical applications,1. Firstly, choose one paper describing nanostructured materials including self-assembled nanostructure or 1-D nanostructure (nanorods or nanowires) for, biomedical applications (Maximum two page: 20 pt).,Paper title: Double-Layered Plasmonic-Magnetic Vesicles by Self-Assembly of Janus Amphiphilic Au–Fe3O4 Nanoparticles, Paper journal: WILEY-VCH Paper publication year: 2017,1a. Firstly, what was novelty (why this design is better than previous papers) in the design of the nanostructured materials? Please include figure (6 pt),1b. Secondly, how were the structure and property of the nanostructured materials characterized? (4 pt),1c. Thirdly, why were the nanostructured materials advantageous for particular biomedical applications? Please include figure (6 pt),1d. Fourthly, what would be potential drawbacks/limits in using the nanostructured materials for biomedical applications? (4 pt),2. Secondly, choose one paper describing nanostructured materials including magnetic nanostructure for biomedical applications (Maximum two page: 20 pt).,Paper title: ,Magnetic mesoporous, silica-based core/shell nanoparticles for biomedical applications, Paper journal: RSC Advances Paper publication year: 2013,2a. Firstly, what was novelty (why this design is better than previous papers) in the design of the nanostructured materials? Please include figure (6 pt),2b. Secondly, how were the structure and property of the nanostructured materials characterized? (4 pt),2c. Thirdly, why were the nanostructured materials advantageous for particular biomedical applications? Please include figure (6 pt),2d. Fourthly, what would be potential drawbacks/limits in using the nanostructured materials for biomedical applications? (4 pt),Attachments,Click Here To Download,

History homework help