Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Indiana State University Consequences of the Civil War in South Russia Essay


  1. writing 6reflection papers on existed or previous wars or news stories that cover the issue of war. The length of each paper should be between 1-2pages, no references are necessary.

Each paper should be constructed around the following format:

  • A brief description of the war, specifically indicating: a) the type of war (inter-state, extra-state, intra-state, or non-state); b) who is fighting whom? C) start date; d) duration of war; e) battle deaths sustained- if information is available; f) geographic place/s where the war is fought.
  • Briefly describe the origin of the war. Indicate which level of analysis (individual, state, or system) that you think best explains the origins of the war.
  • Using the three major theories of war (realism, liberalism, socialism), apply their theoretical insights to the historical record. Briefly describe how each theory helps to explain the events of the war. Which aspects of war does the theory highlight, and which aspects does it ignore, or not explain well.
  • Discuss which insights you find most persuasive and why.

Humanities Homework Help