Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. DEV 172 San Jose State University Personal Career Plan ONET Questions


Personal Career Plan ONET

For this assignment, you need to access the following link O*NET (Links to an external site.)

Explore the ONET website and choose TWO possible professional jobs that might interest you ( it does not have to be in Child Development, it could be in any area that you want)

You will need to type a 2 full page paper, font 12, Times New Roman with the following information;

Make sure to type each of the questions below, prior to typing the answers. Do it for each of the 2 selected occupations: You can use one question and separate the answer for Profession #1 and Profession #2.

  1. Which 2 occupations did you select?
  2. Why those 2? Be specific for each one of them.
  3. What is the specific education being required for each occupation/profession?
  4. Which colleges near your area offer the education or training for your 2 specific professions?
  5. What is the average salary in California for each one? What is the average salary nation wide?
  6. What is the professional outlook for each profession?
  7. Where do you see yourself working? Private, public sectors or self employed? Why?

Humanities Homework Help