Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Create an invoice in adobe with the letterhead I send you


Module 03 Course Project – Invoice Design

Module 03 Course Project – Invoice Design

Module 03 Content

  1. For this assignment, you will be creating an invoice to use for your freelance graphic design business. The invoice will be used to bill clients for all graphic design project work.
    Assignment DetailsAlthough invoices can be simple text only, you want your business to stand out and be remembered to help start building your brand. Review the invoice information discussed earlier in this module, along with the creative examples shown for inspiration.
    Using the letterhead you designed in Module 02 as a base, design a creative, yet professional invoice for your new freelance graphic design business. Because you’re building your brand, the letterhead and invoice must share similar design elements so they look like they belong together.Your invoice must include:

    • an invoice number
    • your company address and phone number
    • a place for the client’s address and phone number
    • an area for the itemized list of project tasks and time spent
    • how you want to be paid (e.g., Net 30 days)
    • date invoice is due (for example, 15 days, 30 days, etc.)
    • penalty if payment deadline is missed, and
    • are any special terms (e.g., a percentage discount if paid in full before due date)

    Lastly, include a thank you section. Although creativity is expected, the invoice must also be legible and easy to follow. The size of your invoice is 8.5” x 11”, and it must be created in Adobe InDesign. Save a package of your work, which will include a PDF. Exemplary use of typography and the elements and principles of design is expected. Make sure the package name includes your own name. ZIP the package. Please check the Course Calendar for the specific due date.
    Submit your InDesign package file (make sure it includes a PDF). ZIP the package file before submitting the names of the files should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date. Example is shown below:Rstudent_Invoice_101523

Must have adobe indesign

Humanities Homework Help