Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Blue Ridge Community College Statistics Regarding Disability & Social Injustice PPT


Op Ed Assignment:

  • You must create a seven-nine minute Op-Ed speech which I will record and submit as an assignment.
  • Your speech must be on a disability topic area in which there have been problems, debate, or media controversy.
  • You must draw on the models of disability, social work principles, and other topics, in an analysis of the disability topic.
  • You should draw upon research to substantiate your arguments.
  • You should include at least 1 visual in your presentation (e.g., a graph, diagram, video clip or picture) to illustrate a point or points.
  • You should cite articles and other scholarly works, not simply websites.
  • The goal of this assignment is for you to evidence progress towards ability to apply critical thinking skills and clinical concepts learned via readings, videos etc. to a disability topic of relevance.
  • You will be evaluated on the strength of your content, argument, and delivery.
  • You must provide a reference list in APA format with your Op-Ed.


  • The graded assignments will be evaluated based on evidence of careful, systematic, reasoned thought.
  • The following criteria are used in grading the assignment:

1. Is the writing style academic, professional, and technical?

2. Is the information presented comprehensive and well-ordered?

3. Are underlying assumptions clearly stated and justified with research?

4. Are major points clearly thought-out and adequately emphasized?

5. Are alternative explanations considered and understood?

6. Are conclusions supported by appropriate and sufficient evidence?

7. Does the work meet the criteria specified by the guidelines for the assignment

8. Does the work reflect cultural sensitivity and adherence to the ethical standards of the profession social work profession?

9. Is the work well-written and free from spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors?

Humanities Homework Help