Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. GCCCD Mexican American Immigration in 1970s Essay


For the Reflections on each chapter, please follow these instructions: Answer one or more of the following questions in your reflection:

● What did you learn from reading this chapter

● What did you unlearn from reading this chapter?

● What questions were left unanswered?

● Does any of the information you learned in the chapter impact you personally?

● Did you change your mind about anything after reading this chapter?

● Who would you like to share information you learned from this chapter with and why?

● Would you have taken a different approach to the topic of the chapter? If yes, explain. (Do not address this question in your reflection if your answer is “no”).

● In your opinion, what did the authors do particularly well in this chapter? What could they have done “better”? Explain.

The essay can be more than 400 words, but not less. I will not take points off for grammar and typos after the first 400 words, otherwise I would be penalizing students who wrote longer essays. Make sure to run a spell check before turning the essay in and, if possible, read it out loud to yourself to make sure it is well written. The essay can be written in the first person.

i will attach the link for the book and the rubric…

Humanities Homework Help