Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Walden University Departmental and Institutional Approaches to Budget Strategies Paper


Part 3: Collaboration and Implementation

This week’s assignment is the third part of a three-part Course Project which requires you to develop a financial plan for a department within an institution of higher education. The Course Project is based on the following scenario:

A new president has been selected to run your university. His first initiative is to impose a new strategic direction that focuses on three key priorities:

  • Increasing student engagement
  • Integrating information technology into programs and services
  • Developing measurable learning outcomes

This has the potential to change a number of operations, priorities, and the allocation of resources in your department.

Consider the process of planning and collaboration needed to implement your department’s initiatives, and consider the impact of your department’s new operations on other departments.

Assignment length: 3 pages

Required Readings

Barr, M. J., & McClellan, G. S. (2018). Budgets and financial management in higher education (3rd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

  • Chapter 6, “Problems and Pitfalls in Budget Management”
    Focus on the advice offered to managers on how to deal with common challenges faced in fiscal management.
  • Chapter 7, “Managing Budget Fluctuations”
    Focus on departmental and institutional approaches to budget reductions and strategies for reducing costs.

Facione, P. A. (2009). 20 ways for colleges to cut costs and make money. The Chronicle of Higher Education, 55(28), A36–A37.

Copyright 2009 by Chronicle of Higher Education. Reprinted by permission of Chronicle of Higher Education via the Copyright Clearance Center.
Focus on principles that college and university administrators should keep in mind when approaching budgeting and management during tough economic times.

Jones, D., & Wellman, J. (2009). Rethinking conventional wisdom about higher ed finance. National Center for Higher Management Systems. Retrieved from…
Focus on what the predominant ways of thinking about financial management have tended to be and how those “myths” should be reconsidered.

Required Media

“Managing Budget Fluctuations” This interactive piece presents several scenarios that capture real-world examples of financial decisions that often confront department managers.
Focus on how your response to each scenario compares with the responses from John Palmucci and Larry Goldstein.

Focus on: As you explore this week’s Learning Resources, focus on the reasons that accountability has recently become a major issue in higher education, and the strategies that institutions are using to demonstrate accountability. Are standards and measures being determined externally, or are institutions establishing these themselves? In particular, what are institutions doing to demonstrate that students are learning what they are supposed to learn?

Optional Resources

Denny, C. (2003). Tips for managing the department budget. American Council on Education Online Resource Center. Retrieved from:

Humanities Homework Help