Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. UCR Physical Anthropology Nutrient Driven Genome Evolution Question


For your post you must find an online article or video (from a reputable source) that is relevant to the topics covered in the chapters above.  Don’t forget to include the name of the article/video and a link.  You are to provide a summary of the article/video along with how it is important and how it relates to the topics covered for that time period. Discuss what you found interesting.

Your posts must demonstrate knowledge of the week’s chapter/module concepts and any videos. They must illustrate your understanding of the weekly topics.  These posts give you a chance to “prove” that you have completed readings and comprehend the concepts presented.  They also give you a chance to help your classmates to learn through your observations, and interact in a more personal way with them.

You can provide prompts, so that your classmates will have something to respond to, and to help to further the discussion by replying back or making further comments

After post, 

  • “REPLY” or “RESPONSE” Posts (10 points)You must post AT LEAST (minimum) one substantial comment (5-6 sentences minimum) to something posted (article/video) by another student. You must demonstrate your understanding of the material being discussed and add to the discussion. Your comments must pertain to the topic of physical anthropology.  You can add other information, opinions but you will be graded on your use and understanding of physical anthropology.

Classmate’s post:

In” What is Macroevolution” a Youtube video by Professor Laura, macroevolution is explained in a simple yet education way, describing exactly what it is, and how it is relevant to out lives today. The video title is simple but the video is more dept than you would imagine from just the title. Macroevolutuion is long term evolution, how species have changed with larger cases over hundreds of thousands generations. This is the beginning of species and also extictions of them. She goes into how the patterns and trends change along the way for species. For example, Primates over time have developed larger brains, which shows something was pushing the evolution of intelligence. This is assumed that it is related to social relationships between the species because you need a bigger brain to handle more social aspects of interacting. There is also the fossils that have been found that show where certain species started and where they ended up, moving to areas and just why they move there. Fossils also show what the enviroment may have been during that time given certain characteristics these species have. This video actually helped me grip the understanding a bit more. She give clear differences of Microevolution and Macroevolution, which really helps because even though the difference is in the words small/large, I still was having a hard time explaining the simple difference. 


Humanities Homework Help