Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. HISTORY 100 Development of The Italian Renaissance Discussion Paper


I need an explanation for this History question to help me study.

Option A: The Vikings (Links to an external site.) were more than marauders, although they did rape, pillage, and plunder parts of Europe and strike fear into the hearts of many. Discuss Viking cultur (Links to an external site.)e (you may choose to discuss any/all: religion (Links to an external site.), war (Links to an external site.), economy, women (Links to an external site.), life styles). Why did the Vikings move from their homes, how did they do so and why were they so successful, and what occurred as a result in a few specific areas (you may choose from England, France, the Byzantine world, Ireland, Greenland, or Russia). You do not need to respond to anyone unless you want.

Option B: Discuss the term renaissance (what does it mean?) and the development of the Italian Renaissance (Links to an external site.).  Describe its features and some of its notable figures – artistic (Links to an external site.) and literary (Links to an external site.).  What is new about this time and what themes are based on past art, architecture, and literature? What relationship does the Italian renaissance have to the Protestant reformations (Links to an external site.)

Humanities Homework Help