Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. ESL 119 Grossmont College Procrastination Among Students Essay


This assignment is only two paragraphs. Introduction and body paragraphs the topic is Procrastination. so the sources you found last time you gonna use for this essay. I will upload an example of other students essay you can take look at it so it can help you to write this essay. Remember is only two pargraphs for now.

Task and Instructions:

For this assignment, you will write two paragraphs of your research paper. These two paragraphs will be considered your first draft. Do not submit the entire paper – ONLY two paragraphs. The two paragraphs that you will write are an introductory paragraph and a body paragraph.

Introductory paragraph:

Write an introductory paragraph where you:

  • introduce the topic
  • define the concept
  • pose the research question
  • state your thesis

Body paragraph:

  • This could be a second paragraph of your essay following the introduction. In the second paragraph, background information on the issue should be described. For example, in the Measles paper, the disease is defined, and information about the history of the disease is provided. You must have at least two outside sources cited and/or quoted in the paragraph.
  • This could also be a body paragraph that follows the background of the issue. In this paragraph, you will describe one of the items you mention in the thesis. If your thesis and the research in general focus on the reasons why students procrastinate, summarize one of the main reasons and use at least two outside sources that are cited and quoted in the text.

Length and Format:

  • Each of your paragraphs (and there should only be 2) should be at least 6 sentences long including citations. I expect more than 6 sentences as citing and quoting may take a lot of your space. The entire draft would, therefore, be about 1.5-2 pages. No images in this one, please. You can add images later.
  • The draft should be formatted as if it is a final draft with all the MLA formatting present. This means that your paper should:
    • have a running head
    • have a title
    • have your name, class, date, prof. name in the left-hand corner
    • have 1-inch margins all around
    • be double-spaced
    • have indents for each paragraph
    • have size 12 font and font style – Arial or Times New Roman
  • You do NOT need to have a Works Cited page for this draft

Humanities Homework Help