Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Champan University The failure of Enron Code of Ethics Discussion


1. Enron had a detailed coded of ethics, and made all its employees sign their ethics statements. Yet that company is synonymous with ethical failure. What went wrong?

2. Analyze Milton Friedman’s argument in favor of the claim that the social responsibility of business is to increase its profits. Do you think he is right, or not? How does this reasoning apply to recent well-known cases, such as BP and the Gulf disaster?

3. Do human beings have any obligations to animals in terms of their treatment? If it is wrong to treat animals cruelly, why is it not wrong to eat them? Explain if, and how, you think humans can find a balance between treating animals ethically while also raising them for food and for other reasons, such as the testing of pharmaceuticals.

4. Consider two cases. In one case, animal experimentation is used to create life-saving drugs. In the second case, animal experimentation is used to make cosmetics. Is one of them justified, both, or neither?

Humanities Homework Help