Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Albany Effective Teamwork Practical Lessons From Organizational Research Ques

This assessment is to be completed individually

Reflect on the contribution you make to team activities.Your reflection needs to cover the following:

1. The contribution you made to the team you were a part of in this course.

How effective do you think you were?

How did your contribution to this teamcompare with other teams you are or were a part of, nd why?

■ How did you enable others to contribute to the team?

2. Team character.

■ What characterized how the team operated? What shaped the character of the team?

Consider factors such as: team creativity;leadership; roles within the team; cohesion; and motivation.

3. Your experience of conflict in the group.

Why did it arise?” How was it managed?

How could it have been handled differently?

4. Lessons learned.

■ How do you intend to do differently in other team situations?

■ What skills or strategies do you intend to work on in order to contribute more effectively?

Note: Atleast three required teamworkreadings from this course must be referenced and discussed in this assignment. Additional teamwork related sources not provided in this course are also expected to bereferenced in this assessment. You may also refer to feedbackreceived from peers and team meeting minutes as part of your discussion.

Humanities Homework Help