Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Harvard University Three Dimensions of Social Class Principles of Sociology Paper

Read through the following questions and answer one of them in your journal. Your answer should be complete, and must be written in standard, grammatically correct English.

1. Define and discuss the three dimensions of social class. Define wealth, income, and power elite.

2. Define status and status inconsistency. Discuss the consequences of status inconsistency on individual behavior. Give at least two examples of status inconsistency.

3. Summarize Kahl and Gilbert’s six-tier model of the U.S. class structure, describing each of the six classes. Provide at least one example of a person who would belong to each class. (You may provide the name of a prominent individual or describe the characteristics of a person in each class.)

4. Discuss the impact of social class on physical and mental health, family life, education, religion, politics and the criminal justice system. How do these impacts conflict with our view of the United States as a society in which “All men are created equal”?

5. Define social mobility, and discuss the three types of mobility, providing at least two examples of each. Do you believe that earning a college degree will result in mobility for you? Why or why not?

6. Define the poverty line, and summarize at least five myths about the poor. What two facts about the poor surprised you the most? Why

Humanities Homework Help