Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. SOCW 4001 Walden University Policy and Advocacy Essay

Throughout this course, you have learned how social work practice influences policy and how social work policy influences social work practice. Social workers on the front lines of the issues on which policies often focus need to be aware of how those policies directly affect their clients. Similarly, social workers engaged in policy work need to be aware of how policies they design or contribute to will affect clients.

Earlier in the course, you selected a policy and a related law or bill proposed in local, state, or national government about which to write a policy brief.

Submit a 6- to 7-page analysis of the law or bill, its policy intent, and its progress in the legislative process. In this paper, provide the following:

  1. The bill number and title or the official name of the law
  2. A brief summary of the law or bill in your own words, including:
    1. The purpose of the law or bill
    2. The goal(s) of the law or bill
    3. Facts or research related to the problem or issue the law sought to address or the bill seeks to address
  3. The legislators who supported and those who opposed the law or bill and the arguments they used
  4. Reasons or rationale for your support or opposition to the legislation
  5. Brief history of other policies intended to address this problem
  6. Policy alternatives that have been or could be explored
  7. The population(s) this law impacts. Explain whether the population would be considered a vulnerable group and how the law impacts this population. Explain how the policy alternatives would positively or negatively impact his population. Provide specific examples.
  8. The social worker’s role in working with the impacted population. Explain how the current policy and policy alternative(s) affect how a social worker would engage with this population.
  9. A summary of knowledge gained from the experience.Throughout this course, you have learned how social work practice influences policy and how social work policy influences social work practice. Social workers on the front lines of the issues on which policies often focus need to be aware of how those policies directly affect their clients. Similarly, social workers engaged in policy work need to be aware of how policies they design or contribute to will affect clients.Earlier in the course, you selected a policy and a related law or bill proposed in local, state, or national government about which to write a policy brief.

Humanities Homework Help