Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. A Historical Analytical Review of The Movie Mississippi Burning Discussion

Assignment Instructions

Step 1: Choose a time period/theme and a modern song that you want to rewrite or parody.

Choose a time period/theme you found interesting this semester and completely rewrite a modern song (of your choosing) about the time period/theme you chose. It MUST BE relevant to a subject in American history covered in this class– anything after the American Civil War.

Step 2: Write your parody song.

  • Change at least 80% of the lyrics of the song you chose.
  • Must include at least two verses and a chorus.
  • BE SPECIFIC and avoid generic statements that could be about anything/anyone/any time.
  • Include the original name of the song and the original artist.
  • Assignment Instructions 2

  • Step 1: Select an approved historical movie to review.
  • Select a movie that depicts a historical period or event. Here is a –check with me about any movies not on this list. Make sure that the movie you have selected is accessible to you and appropriate to your tastes and sensibilities. Do a little independent research into the film before watching so that you know what to expect in terms of MPAA rating. Use your own discretion in selecting a film.

    Step 2: Watch the film you’ve chosen.

    While watching the movie, consider these questions:

    1. Were there inaccuracies in the movie compared to the material in our course which covers that time period or person? Explain the historical context of the time period in which the film takes place.
    2. What did you learn from the movie that you did not already know?
    3. Were there any obvious values or opinions being presented by the director in the way they depicted the main theme of the film or the way they portrayed the heroes and villains of the story?
    4. How did the depiction of this event or person compare to reading about the same topic in a textbook?
    5. Did you have an emotional reaction to the film, why or why not? How do your own history and experiences affect how you perceive the film?
    6. Did the film have an impact at the time of release on society’s perspective of the event and people involved? Did the film change your perspective about the people or event?
    7. If watching a film that could be seen as a primary source, ponder these questions: what does the film’s theme or plot suggest about the time period in which it was made? What can we understand about this part of history through this film?

    Step 3: Complete a historical, analytical review of the film.

    Answer the following prompt in a two-page, double-spaced word document. No formal citations necessary, but reference details from the film and the textbook and class sources.Prompt: After you have watched the film, write a concise review of the movie that includes answers to the relevant questions above and summarizes the plot. You may not answer every single question, but choose at least three or four to discuss.

Humanities Homework Help