Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Use of the Photoshop in the Redbook Magazine Discussion

After viewing the picture posted – Redbook: Faith Hill Touch Up and both YouTube videos 1 and 2 Photoshop, write a 3 page reaction paper.

  • Describe in detail what you saw on the website & videos and share your opinion about what you experienced. This way I know you viewed all 3 items.
  • How did it make you feel? What did it make you think?
  • What is the effect on you and others in our society?
  • Is it ethical?
  • Were you aware of how prevalent photoshop actually is?
  • Have you ever photoshopped a picture of yourself or someone else? Why did you do it?
  • I want to hear what you think!

Papers Must:

  • Be typed – May Use MLA or APA style
  • Include proper spelling, grammar and sentence structure
  • Include proper paragraphs (approximately 5 sentences per paragraph)
  • Include proper format (introduction, body, conclusion)
  • Be a full 3 pages

Must discuss all three items to view and watch within your paper

Humanities Homework Help