Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. CNL 515 Grand Canyon University Week 3 Counseling Skills Scale Worksheet

Practicing SOLER, Active Listening, Empathetic Listening, Probing, and Summarizing: Video 1 (Obj. 3.1, 3.2, 3.4 and 3.5)

Part One: Informed Consent

Sometime after day one of Week 2, you will receive a Zoom setup email to your GCU student account. Please check your email and follow the instructions to activate your Zoom account using your GCU email. This needs to be done to complete the recorded video assignments, beginning in Topic 3.

Watch the videos in the topical resources that demonstrate counseling micro skills and the videos regarding using Zoom. Review the “Skills Video Best Practices” and the “Counseling Skills Scale: Video 1” documents prior to recording your video. Take note of the specific skills in each area as you prepare to record your video.

Ask a volunteer to let you practice with them. Make sure you and the volunteer agree the volunteer will follow a mock scenario rather than add personal information to the session. Once they have agreed, have them complete the attached “Counseling Informed Consent Form-Volunteer” Form. Make sure the volunteer initials each section and signs and dates the form. The form must be completed and in your hand prior to recording any sessions with the volunteer. Upload this form into the assignment forum as an attachment.

*Important Note: Only adults can be used as volunteers. The volunteer must present a mock problem for you to practice the skills. Please confirm the session is a mock session. The adult can pretend to be a child in the fictional scenario. This session is to practice basic skills which will build upon as you work towards practicum and internship experience with real scenarios. Focus on the skills development rather than resolving the client’s concern.

Part Two: Record a Video Session Using Zoom

Video record this “session” with your volunteer using Zoom.

To record to your local computer, follow the instructions below:

  1. Start a meeting as the host.
  2. Click on the “Record” button in the Zoom toolbar.
  3. Select “Record on this Computer” to begin recording.
  4. To stop recording, click “Pause/Stop Recording” or “End Meeting.”

Once the recording has stopped, the recording must be processed before viewing or accessing it. You can locate the MP4 video file recording in a Zoom folder following the path below for these devices:

PC: C:UsersUser NameDocumentsZoom

Mac: /Users/User Name/Documents/Zoom

This video should be between 10-15 minutes in length. In this video, you will be practicing the skills learned in Topic 1-3: Empathetic Listening, Probing, and Summarizing. First, welcome your client and review the informed consent form. Demonstrate how you will explain your role as a counselor and the importance of confidentiality. If you are practicing with a volunteer playing the role of a minor demonstrate how you would review this information with the minor and their parent/guardian. Once you have thoroughly reviewed informed consent and asked your volunteer to sign the form, begin using skills to elicit information from the client.

Be mindful of the SOLER skills reviewed in the textbook and be intentional about your body language demonstrating these skills. Use open-ended questions to elicit information about the problem and why this problem is important for the client to address. Demonstrate empathetic listening by reflecting meaning and emotions present. Demonstrate active listening through attentive body language and verbal encouragers. Use reflections to demonstrate an understanding of content and emotions.

A good guideline for these basic skills is to offer at least two reflections per one open-ended question. Too many questions can feel like an interrogation. Once the client has shared a significant amount of information or if you would like to focus or transition the session, use a summary (typically about three reflections of the content) to make sure you understand the problem and the perspective of the client.

As a reminder, the scenario discussed in the session should be fictional. Your job is to do the following:

  • Demonstrate the ability to welcome the client and begin the process of developing rapport.
  • Demonstrate the ability to effectively review informed consent.
  • Demonstrate the ability to use open-ended questions to learn more about the problem and to move the session forward.
  • Demonstrate SOLER skills.
  • Demonstrate verbal and nonverbal empathetic listening skills (meaning and emotions).
  • Demonstrate verbal and nonverbal active listening skills.
  • Demonstrate summarizing skills, particularly during transitions in the session.

Part Three: Counseling Skills Scale Reflection

Complete and submit the “Counseling Skills Scale: Video 1” document by evaluating the skills you demonstrated in the video. Review each skill and provide a few specific examples of each skill in the comments section. Make sure to complete Part 2 of the Skills scale document to provide a narrative review of the strengths and areas of growth. Make sure to add a link to the recorded Zoom session before submitting this document. In addition, submit a completed copy of the “Counseling Informed Consent Form-Volunteer “form.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

This assignment is informed by the following CACREP Standards:

2.F.5.f. Counselor characteristics and behaviors that influence the counseling process.

2.F.5.g. Essential interviewing, counseling, and case conceptualization skills.


Counseling Informed Consent Form-Volunteer.docx

Humanities Homework Help