Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Allegro Music College Rising Question

Read pg. 213-251 in Rising, then compose an argumentative outline for Literary Analysis Two. For e-books, this is “Looking Backward and Forward in Time” and “Afterword.”

An argumentative outline lists the key arguments and subarguments you need to support in a literary analysis. An argumentative outline is different from a topical outline, which only lists topics you plan to address in the essay. While a topical outline can help you organize informational and other types of texts, an argumentative outline is necessary to help you think through your ideas and develop a complex argument that readers can follow.

Once you have a thesis, create an argumentative outline detailing the subarguments and sub-subarguments you plan to make. Place your thesis at the top as in the sample argumentative outline. Create an outline with argumentative topic sentences and supporting ideas. Plan at least SIX body paragraphs and more if you like.

Humanities Homework Help