Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Content Move Structure Communicative Purpose Short Response Genre Analysis

Part B: Short Response and Analysis (40 marks)

Answers will be graded in terms of content, language, and organisation.

Given below are profiles of two scholars working at the University of Hong Kong. In 300 words, perform a brief genre analysis to explicate the communicative purpose(s), move structure and content of this genre. (20 marks)

Profile 1: Calvin Tribby is a transport and health geographer who examines the interactions between transport, behavior, and environments. Calvin received his PhD in Geography from Ohio State University. He received an MPH from Columbia University and his MS in Geography and BS in Mathematics from the University of New Mexico. He also had postdoctoral training at the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, USA. He uses health and transport surveys, GPS, GIS, and accelerometers to understand the role of environments and context on transport and health behaviors. The overall goal of Calvin’s research is to contribute to a broader understanding of behavioral and contextual barriers and facilitators for health promotion. One current research emphasis includes assessing associations of ultraviolet radiation (UV), behaviors, and environments using GPS and GIS. Another research emphasis is examining physical activity and the environment using GPS, GIS, and accelerometers.

Profile 2: Junxi is a social and cultural geographer who works at the intersection of geography, urban studies and cultural studies. He holds a BSc in Urban and Regional Planning from Sun Yat- sen University, China (2010), and a PhD in Human Geography from University of Edinburgh, Scotland (2013). Prior to joining the University of Hong Kong, he worked as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Singapore Management University, Singapore, advised by Prof Lily Kong. Junxi’s research interests include place politics, urban public space, modernity, religion, China’s ethnic minorities/frontiers, and China’s recent urban transformation. Most of his published works partake in one or several of these themes.

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Humanities Homework Help