Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Baltimore City Community College Sexual Mortality and Homosexuality Discussion

The final paper assignment consists of three 2-page (minimum) papers (approximately 250 words per page). These papers will consist of a summary and critical analysis/evaluation of each of three primary source scholarly philosophical articles, along with your own final conclusion on the topic. The articles are in PDF format on Canvas under Modules. In advance of submitting this final paper, you may give me a rough draft that I will go over and offer suggestions. This draft must be submitted 2 weeks before the paper is due.

Topic: Sexual Mortality

These are the article titles and are attached

Sexual Morality “Homosexuality and the ‘Unnaturalness Argument’,” by Burton M. Leiser“Is Homosexuality Bad Sexuality?,” by Michael Ruse“Why Homosexuality is Abnormal,” by Michael Levin

Paragraph 1–State the title and author of the article. State the main conclusion of the author (their thesis), and indicate whether you are going to agree or disagree with the author’s conclusions.

Paragraphs 2, 3, 4–Present the main arguments the author gives for his/her conclusion. Summarize/explain these reasons in your own words. Identify any factual evidence and any ethical theories or other theoretical assumptions used by the author. If you support your summary with sentences from the article, you must properly introduce them (e.g., “according to Aristotle…”) and set off any exact words in quotation marks.

Paragraph 5, 6–Present your evaluation/analysis of the article. State whether you agree or disagree with the author and give your supporting reasons (your thoughts on their thoughts). Did the author present good evidence? Did he/she overlook evidence that would seriously criticize their thesis? Defend your position by giving good reasons.

Paragraph 7 (stand alone at the end)—Present your view on the ethical issue with justifying reasons. Suggest challenges that might be offered against your position.

Humanities Homework Help