Humanities Homework Help. REG 1234 Grossmont College Survival Instincts Discussion
I’m working on a English question and need guidance to help me study.
- please pick one of the following questions and post an answer
- How might someone put the principles of Ahimsa into practice in your own society? How would it affect a person’s behavior (Course Hero)?
- Jains maintain “that all living beings, from plants to animals to bacteria, have souls, and that, theoretically, all souls have the potential to attain nirvana” (Kathari).
- Westerners, such as ourselves, think that only human beings have souls.
- What do you think about this claim that every animal including bacteria have souls?
- Jains, when asked to describe Moksha, say that they cannot explain it, “for it is absolutely beyond all human sense experience, a condition of infinite bliss and complete knowledge. The liberated souls live in a timeless totality, yet retaining their individuality in a state which human comprehension cannot reach. These souls are free from the cycle of death and rebirth” (Jainism).
- Jains are saying that they cannot know what Moksha is, yet they talk about Moksha as if they know what it is.
- Do you think it is a reasonable claim to say anything about Moksha?