Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Psychology Question


Hello this is the last part of a 4 part paper. It has to be in APA. Use the sources that have been used in the previous two papers. I will answer all the questions of the prompt and you can expand it and add literature to it basically. This paper is for a counseling program. For the sources you can look them up online and I can provide you with the link to the book. I will attach the first three papers. I already provided some comments to the answers and you can expand on that and add some literature.

  • When did you first notice the idea of becoming a counselor?
  • (MY OWN COMMENT: I noticed the idea of becoming an academic counselor after I have been through many struggles in school and I had counselors who helped me reach this point. I also am the type of person who likes to listen to others share their stories and try to give some advice.)
  • What told you that it was important to you?
  • (It is important to me because I want to give back what I have received. I want to be there for other undocumented, immigrant students and also students from different backgrounds and I want to encourage them to pursue an education. My inner voice told me how important it is to support others who are doubting themselves it motivates see others succeed.)
  • How did your experience in this program impact your identity as a future counselor?
  • ( This program has taught me about a lot of perspectives and theories I was not aware of. It definitely prepared me to work with different kinds of people. I learned that the same method does not work for everyone. Each individual is different and I need to work with each one in a different way. I learned a lot about self awareness and how to be careful with my language. Something that is really important that I have learned is that the counselor or therapist is not always the expert but the client is in some cases. This is something I did not think of before. My identity as a counselor has completely changed because now I feel more prepared and excited to start my counseling journey. I was more self conscious before and did not have as much courage as now.)
  • What are you currently doing that is a reflection of your preferred ways of practicing counseling as a profession?
  • (Currently I am trying to do some practice sessions with family in friends to prepare myself to work with actual clients. I think the more practice I have the easier it becomes for it to flow. I also try to rely on theories that I have learned throughout the program).
  • What are some of the new insights you have gained through this capstone project? (Be sure to ground your insights in the literature by using citations.) (This project has helped me realize which theories work for me and how I need to use different methods for different clients. It also gave me an opportunity to talk to other experts in the field)

Humanities Homework Help