Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Cuyamaca College Social Psychology Questions


  • Download Chapter 1.pptx
  • Define the field of social psychology and list several questions that social psychologists seek to answer
  • Explain each of the four core values that make social psychology a scientific field
  • Identify and describe each of the five ethical guidelines involved in conducting research within the field of social psychology.
  • Discuss each of the variables that help social psychologists understand the causes of social behavior and social thought
  • Are social behavior and social thought controlled mostly by nature (genes; biological processes) or nurture (environment; upbringing; learning)? Support your response and give examples for each
  • Distinguish between systematic observations, naturalistic observations, and surveys
  • Describe how and why the correlational method would be used by researchers. Distinguish between a positive, negative and zero correlation, and explain the purpose of the correlation coefficient
  • Describe how and why the formal experimental design would be used by researchers. Distinguish between independent and dependent variables, along with experimental and control groups. Explain how a confounding variable can affect the results obtained
  • Explain the role of a theory in social psychological research
  • If you made the decision to pursue a degree in social psychology, what specialty area would you be most likely to pursue and why? Support your response

Humanities Homework Help