Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. GVPT 200 AU Week 5 International Political Relation Discussion


I’m working on a political science discussion question and need support to help me learn.

List types of nonstate actors, their role and provide same examples.

Please see below indications and details referred to fifth week assignments and readings:

1) Read the material provided by Nov. 20 as per below:

2) Create a thread on the “Discussion Arena – Week 5” on the topics already listed in the description by Nov. 20

·Discussions are fundamental for a hybrid course and affect the final grade as participation;

·Please make sure to post comments inherent to the discipline describing situations or events how they are and not how

they should be (try to avoid personal opinion or judgements);

3) Reply to at least two of your colleagues on the “Discussion Arena – Week 5” by Nov. 22

·Replies are fundamental for a hybrid course and affect also the final grade with reference to participation;

·Please make sure to reply to comments in an appropriate manner trying to avoid personal interpretation;

Humanities Homework Help