Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. University of Carlifonia Work Breakdown Structure Discussion

I’m working on a humanities question and need guidance to help me learn.

Consider a past situation where you were a member of a team that was involved in a project. Ideally, this situation should be where you currently work. However, you can use any situation or experience in your personal life as well. If you are at a loss of thinking of a scenario – then you may choose to make up a project that may be of interest to you instead.

Describe the overall project goals and your role in the project.

Explain how the project scope was clearly defined at the beginning of the project or how it was not clearly defined. 

  • Prepare and share with us a listing of deliverables from your project. Offer at least 5 deliverables and two work packages per deliverable. Identify the WBS code accordingly. For example:
  • Breakdown
  • Description

WBS Code

Humanities Homework Help