Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. HIST 108 Grossmont College Evaluation of Early Presidents Discussion

Evaluation of Early Presidents Discussion Due July 3/4

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You are to read Chapters 11 and 12 in the text.You are also going to read the lectures on presidents Thomas Jefferson to Ulysses Grant.You are going to choose ONE of the following presidents: Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson James Polk or Abraham Lincoln You will then view the video on the president that you choose and also read information in the module on your chosen president on their domestic and foreign policies. You will then describe their foreign and domestic policies..

And you are going to rate your chosen president as either: below average, average, above average or high.

Finally you are going to rate which of the early presidents from Washington to Grant as the best president and why. Please respond to TWO of the other students’ choices. Good luck with this evaluation of your chosen president.

Humanities Homework Help