Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Florida Institute of Technology Civil Peace by Chinua Achebe Discussion

After reading Chinua Achebe’s short story entitled “Civil Peace,” respond to the following questions:

–How would you describe Jonathan’s attitude towards life?

–What does Jonathan value most?

Response parameters: A minimum of 250  words

Respond to at least one of your classmates (around 100 words). 

Jonathan’s attitude toward life is very optimistic and cheerful He is very in tune with his spirits and high hopes as well as being trusting towards others. He is very gracious and happy for the things he has in life no matter how small, like the reclamation of his bike. And also his large mercies, like the survival of his “family’s five heads.” His Attitude is reflective of how much he cares for others, but also realizes how no matter what it is, like his old house still standing, there is nothing greater than the survival of his wife and children. He talks about his family so lovingly and about their “five heads” even though he and his wife had lost their youngest son.

He values his life the most. By that I mean, what God gave him, his life is very important to him. He has lived through the war and considers himself lucky to have come out of it with “five inestimable blessings”. He values his family and what good they bring to him, his 4 children and wife. He has also been given a bonus , a bicycle, which is priceless in value because it enables him to make a living ferrying camp officials from place to place. But these things he has been given that seem so small are so big for him, because he is just grateful to be alive, the most simple gift from God. 

Humanities Homework Help