Humanities Homework Help. Harvard School of Business Innovative Problem Solving Strategy Paper
I’m working on a creative writing report and need an explanation to help me learn.
This is where you pull everything together to document your journey through your life & experience, and its conclusion. Imagine that you’re packaging your own “lessons in creative problem solving” to teach to others. I’ll leave it to you to decide the format – booklet, wiki, presentation, video, whatever… but all of the collective blog entries (yours and others’) are fodder for this. Use them!
Here’s a challenge: be innovative! It might be an innovative way to think about creative problem solving, and/or an innovative way to do creative problem solving, and/or and innovative way to present how to be a more creative problem solver. What does that mean?
“Innovative” is a fuzzy term, and different people use it different ways. Many talk about two criteria for considering something “innovative,” and we’ll adopt them for our purposes. Something “innovative” is…
- Novel, meaning a different way of framing something
- Useful, meaning that it provides some practical benefit related to the challenge at hand.
I encourage you to try to think of novel ways to think about creative problem solving, to do creative problem solving, and to present how to be a more creative problem solver.
I require that you to give me something useful: that is, a practical, understandable guide to being a better creative problem solver.
Keep these in mind as you think about how to present your “lessons in creative problem solving.” These don’t need to be a comprehensive treatise on creative problem solving, but there should be some great “aha” nuggets, it would be great if it was presented in a novel way, and it needs to be useful: that is, provides some practical guidance.