Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. GC Psychology Children and Development Summary Paper


TWO PARTS:   A  and  B 


. Watch the Ted Talk linked below. If the link below does not work, try searching the title directly on YouTube. 

To turn on closed captioning click on cc in the lower right hand corner of the video screen next to the settings wheel.

Journal Instructions:

Once you have watched the video, please post your journal in the text box. Your journal must include a summary of the video and a personal reflection. Include at least one solid paragraph summarizing the video (8 sentences or more) and at least one solid paragraph with a personal reflection (8 sentences or more). Your reflection should convey your thoughts and opinions on the information covered in the talk. (Links to an external site.)

Grading rubric for Journals:

25 points = Journal includes 2 separate paragraphs – a summary paragraph and a reflection paragraph. Summary paragraph is at least 8 sentences and offers a summary of the video. Reflection paragraph is at least 8 sentences and offers your thoughts/opinions on the content of the video. Both paragraphs are clear and well thought-out.

Loss of 5 points may occur for each of the following: not meeting length requirement on summary or reflection, not including 2 separate paragraphs (one for summary, one for reflection), not writing in a clear, well thought-out manner or not staying on topic.


. Choose a topic that you found interesting from Chapter 4.( Book is attached in files)  Summarize what the reading says about the topic. Find a research article on the topic via the Grossmont library. Instructions are below. Briefly summarize the main findings of the research article you chose. Include citations. If you have trouble logging in to the Grossmont library contact the library help desk for assistance. Alternatively you may search for research articles via Google Scholar (not regular Google). 

Humanities Homework Help