Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. Anthropology Question


This paper will consist of you researching a primate (living or extinct) or hominin (any excluding Homo sapiens) of your choice. Within the paper the details regarding the species you choose from the guidelines listed below.

Basic Requirements

Paper Page length: 4-5 pages (minimum)

Format: standard margins (1 in all around); 12 point Times New Roman Font, Double Spaced

Sources: must have a minimum of 3 sourceso MLA or Chicago format only o 1 peer-reviewed source (textbook does not count)o No Wikipedia, dictionary, encyclopedia, etc. type sources SCHOLARLY SOURCES ONLY

You may use the Smithsonian as a resource. If you should have other questions regarding resources, please feel free to reach out via e-mail.Suggestions (varies depending on topic):

Your presentation/paper should include the following: Where the species was found
– How it lived
-What it ate
-When it lived (timeline) if an ancient species
-Who first identified it as a species
-Why it was named and how
-Key features that distinguish the species on the skeletal aspect
-Detailed account regarding the species physical aspects (how did it walk, what was the body makeup)
In addition, include information regarding where you best believe this species would live today based upon the information that you researched. (If extinct)
If you choose a hominin who came before and after and what made it an important species.
For any species make sure you are including the genus and species. For example Gorillas is Gorillagorilla.

Humanities Homework Help