International Development homework help

International Development homework help. Write 2 page essay on the topic Extended Disk Leadership.Many people usually think that a leader should be a person who can be feared by his or her subjects so that they can not dare to go against the wishes or instructions given. I have just realized that this is a very wrong notion, as a leader who is feared is a threat to the organization as it is possible that the subjects will not be free to share ideas with him or her. Considering the fact that I am social, I believe that this can motivate my subjects as they would be free to tell me anything that they feel is important that I should know, as I will have created a conducive environment for their operations, which consequently motivates them to perform better. One thing that I do not always like is making all the decisions of most of the decisions in whichever group that I am part of. This is a characteristic that a good leader should possess as no one is always one hundred percent right. All the stakeholders should always be involved, as some of the workers who are normally overlooked or even considered as lesser beings always have some good and constructive ideas that can help in the growth of an organization to a large extent. When the employees are involved in the decision-making process, they are made to feel as if they are part of the organization, which even motivates them further (Extended Disk Leadership Analysis, 2011). Therefore, this Extended Disc analysis has been of great importance to me since it has enabled me to see the qualities of a good leader that I did not know.

International Development homework help