Languages homework help

Languages homework help. Write a 4 pages paper on children and video games. The physical games enhanced the physique of the children, and enabled them to develop social skills (Vorderer &amp. Bryant, 2006). In spite of all the benefits of physical games, children still spend most of their time playing video games making them forget or ignore other issues that might be important in their lives. For example, some children will ignore their homework or they might do it hurriedly with the intention of creating more time for video games. It is the role of the parents to ensure that their children reduce the time spent in playing video games by encouraging them to participate in physical games. In as much as playing video games enhances the thinking capacity of a child, and keeps him busy, it affects their health, leads to violence and affects relationships. Benefits of Video Games There also exist benefits that come with children playing video games. Since children usually spend a lot of their time playing video games, they frequently develop abilities that are essential in making meaningful decisions (Vorderer &amp. Jennings, 2006). During the game play, a child usually takes a considerable time before moving onto the next level. and for good performance to be realized, a child needs adequate thinking capacity. It is clear that video games usually enhance the thinking capacity of the children.

Languages homework help