Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CSU Law Death Penalty Questions


Please have well supported views, and critical thought.

As always, opinion alone is not enough.

Responses should be at least 500 words each (not counting sources and references) and each should have at least 2 different sources properly cited in accordance with APA.

Again, content and critical thought are key here, but graduate level writing ability and meeting minimum requirements for length and sources are also included in the overall grade.1.) Discuss the pros and cons of the death penalty and place your response within the parameters of whether the death penalty is ethical

2.) It has been said that prosecutors operate as if all suspects are guilty. What are the pros and cons to this approach?

3.) Should the goals of a prison system include degrading and demeaning prisoners…why or why not?

4.) What do you see as one of the most pressing issues in criminal justice today that highlights the need for ethical behavior? What changes can we implement to make your selected issue less of a concern?

Law Homework Help