Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Sanford Brown College Collinsville Law Vicarious Liability Case Analysis



Answer the question below
Ben, John and Adua work for Luigi in his factory. Ben is employed to
supervise the work of the other employees. John was on his way to get some
materials when he slipped on a puddle of grease that was dripping from one
of the machines and fell over. John suffered a bad cut to his head. John had
told Ben about the leak some days before, but it had not been fixed. Ben,
worried that he might be blamed, told John he had only suffered a minor
scratch and told him to get up and get back to work. Adua, furious with the
attitude taken by John, punched him hard in the face saying ‘see how minor
this is’. Rhuja, who was horrified watching the incidents unfold, did not
notice when a piece of metal broke off from the machine she was using and
pierced her hand.
Please advise who may be responsible for these incidents using the law of
vicarious liability

Law Homework Help