Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CRJ 180 Strayer University Criminal Justice Case Study


Recent history illustrates that bullying is a growing problem among today’s youth in the United States. Amanda Todd, for example, was only 15-year old when she committed suicide after being bullied by her peers for over a year.

In this assignment, you will discuss bullying cases, strategies to mitigate the effects of bullying and the effectiveness of bullying prevention programs.


To prepare for this assignment, consider the following resources:


Write a 2–3 page paper in which you:

  • Describe at least two types of bullying to which Amanda Todd was subjected.
  • Identify at least three consequences that Amanda Todd experienced as a result of being bullied, and discuss her attempts to deal with them.
  • Recommend two strategies that you believe Amanda’s parents, teachers, and authorities could have used in order to reduce episodes of bullying of Amanda and thus prevent Amanda’s suicide.
  • Compare at least two similarities and two differences between the bullying cases that take place today with those cases that took place when you attended high school.
  • Explain the key contributing factors that you believe led to bullying behaviors. Next, suggest at least three ways in which prevention programs can reduce bullying cases overall.
  • Use at least two quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Law Homework Help