Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. GUF Deviant Behavior Violence & Privacy Protected Perpetrators Discussion


Answer any two of the following questions.

1. Are deviance and crime socially constructed, and how do these constructions relate to power?

For the second part of this question, draw on one of the critical theories from this course. Such as , 1. classic labeling theory learning

  1. Social control
  2. Social disorganisation theory
  3. Conflict theory
  4. Life course theory
  5. Anomie theory
  6. Strain theory
  7. Cultural deviance


Critical race theory

You must provide at least two examples of deviance that have changed over time.


It might be helpful to treat this as having two sections. First you will discuss the relationship between crime and deviance. Then you will talk about how crime and deviance relate to power. They can relate to power in similar ways, I just want you to remember the fundamental difference(s) between deviance and crime.

As well as their differences, consider the ways deviance and crime are related.

If you are struggling, this might help:

Think about an example of an action that was considered deviant and is now more widely accepted. Did the deviance prompt any law? I.e. was that act legally banned? Do you think deviance can drive criminal law, and vice versa?

For the second part of this question, you need to select a critical theory – feminist, race, or social conflict theories. Critical theories differ from the other theories we studied because they focus on structural injustices in our social structures (i.e. differences in power).

What does the critical theory argue, and how does it help us understand the relationships between deviance/crime and power?

2. Imagine you have been asked to write a report for police chiefs in your state that will help law enforcement better understand why juveniles commit crimes.

First, describe one criminological theory of juvenile delinquency. Refer to at least one study that supports the theory (briefly describe the aim of the study and the results). Second, suggest how officers can improve outcomes for youth they encounter. Are there other agencies or organizations police departments should work with?


Consider the policy implications that flow from the theory you choose. For instance, if children are vulnerable to peer pressure and family hardship, how can we reduce the risk of further and more serious offending?

In order to achieve this, should police officers work with organizations to provide support for juveniles who are at risk of offending?

How should officers interact with young people in the community?

3. Why is it often so difficult to investigate and prosecute domestic violence and sex crimes? How do these issues relate to stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination? Additionally, how has the notion of privacyprotected perpetrators?


Here, privacy refers to the privacy of a home and/or a family. In the personal violence lecture, we discussed domestic violence and privacy. Consider why criminal justice actors have been reluctant to punish this crime.

Then go beyond the privacy issue: how do assumptions about victims and gender impact the investigation and prosecution of these crimes?

How has this changed over time (if at all)?

4. Define collateral consequences and provide two examples of collateral consequences that returnees (incarcerated individuals returning to society) are likely to face. What do collateral consequences tell us about the overarching philosophy of punishment in the United States?


We discussed reentry as part of the “societal responses to crime and deviance” lecture series.

Throughout the semester, we have talked about the philosophy of punishment. Consider, is our system of punishment based on rehabilitation, restoration, retribution, deterrence? Remember to relate this to reentry and the collateral consequences individuals often experience.

Remember to cite (e.g. author, date) and reference. Do not reference with only a hyperlink. Write the author, date, and title –follow a referencing format such as APA.

One page for each question in separate word document

Law Homework Help