Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CJ497 03 Investigation and Report


Five-point Likert scales are commonly associated with surveys. Because Likert item data are categorical ordinal level there has been an old debate about the most valid way to analyze Likert data. While some researchers object to take the mean of ordinal data many others — including me — believe that we can treat Liker-scale data as quasi-ratio level, and thus using the mean of them is fine. In this following exercise I would like you to use them as quasi-ratio level.

All employees in Police Department X participated in an anti-harassment training. Before-and-after attitudes about the seriousness of harassment were measured through two surveys on Likert scale items (from 1 to 5). Higher score suggests that the respondent believes harassment is a serious issue. Open “Prep 5.1” file and answer the following questions. Use charts to present your results.

1. Is there evidence of improvement? Compare the attitudes of all employees before and after the training. Interpret the results

2. Compare the attitudes of males and females before and after the training. Interpret the results.

Prep 5.1.xlsx

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