Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. CJ 540 San Diego State University Survey Design Questions


Collecting community members’ perceptions of crime in their communities through surveys is a common research method in Criminal Justice. In this assignment, you and your groupmates (if applicable) will conduct a survey to ascertain respondent perceptions about some aspects of crime in their community based on social disorganization theory (this can include things like perceptions of crime overall, disorder, policing, and other neighborhood characteristics)

In GoogleForms, create a survey of 10 questions, including topic specific questions, and demographic questions (age, gender, etc.). You should also include at least two of each type of survey question: 1) Binary (yes/no; male/female, etc.); 2) categorical; 3) Likert scale (rating); and at least one 4) continuous (I recommend age) and 5) open-ended (don’t use too many of these–you will have to do extra coding!). Be sure to carefully review your questions to consider the wording, the order and flow, and the time it takes to complete the survey.

I will provide you with notes to see what open minded means and continuous and likert scale, etc or look it up because the questions have to follow these specific categories. the questions have to be made from the paper I have already done so you must see it or read it. 

also make sure the survey questions aren’t just yes or no. Include questions with age like example, 18-25, 26-33. Also include questions that have a scale like bad, okay, good, extremely good, excellent. give me a variety of different ones and must be 10 questions based of the assignment you did for me last time. 

Law Homework Help