Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. Youth Gang Culture in Los Angeles Impact on Recidivism Review


Your task for this assignment is to write the first full draft of your paper’s Literature Review section. The draft should be four paragraphs in length. Be sure to keep your writing formal; remember, this is a draft for an actual section of your final paper. Your paper should begin with the heading “Literature Review” and be double-spaced and in paragraph form.

Be sure to heed the advice discussed in class(file attached). Do not list studies one-by-one. The trick is to synthesize the literature in a way that helps the reader understand where your research fits into the current “state of the art” on your topic. You already have eight articles to draw from, although you may find it easier to do this assignment if you were to go out and retrieve a few more.

Your first three paragraphs should each revolve around a particular theme – recall Luker’s notion of the “bedraggled daisies” (e.g. Venn diagram) FILE ATTACHED – rather than a particular study. In other words, in each of the first three paragraphs, your goal will be to tell us generally (the “forest”) what the literature says about this subject, using particular studies (the “trees”) you came across as examples. (Quoting studies is okay, but try to keep it to a minimum.)

The fourth and final paragraph will briefly summarize the first three paragraphs before mentioning 1) what has not yet been examined in the literature and 2) how this study will fill that “gap.”

Things I will be looking for:

Did you conduct a decent review of the literature?
Did you sufficiently synthesize the literature rather than merely listing sources? Did you clearly convey the main themes and their relationship to your topic? Did you wrap up by identifying a “gap” in the existing literature?

Write 6 questions that you’ll use in your interviews. 

Law Homework Help