Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. A T Still University A Career in Law Enforcement Speech


Police organizations are instruments through which policing services are organized and delivered to the public. The primary function of the police force is crime prevention. As an aspiring police officer, it is crucial to understand how the organizational structure of the police department and its various practices influence its day-to-day functions.

Imagine you have completed your probationary period and are being interviewed for the post of a police officer. Your hiring officer wants to evaluate your understanding of the practical implications of police theory and practices on its functions of crime prevention and keeping order.

Refer to the interview questions provided below. Do your research and document your responses to your hiring officer.

Use Microsoft Word® to write a 5- to 7-minute speech in which you answer each of the following questions. State your sources to support your points.

  • Why are you interested in a career in law enforcement?
  • Does legitimacy in the police force enable effective crime-fighting? Explain how.
  • Is problem-oriented policing an answer to build partnerships with the public? Explain why.
  • Is civilianization* a beneficial practice in police work? Provide reasons to support your answer.
  • What are the positive and negative impacts of bureaucracy on communication within a police department?
  • Which type of mentality makes the best police officer: warrior or guardian? Explain why.
  • Is the code of silence a desired police subculture? Explain why.
  • What impact has been seen with the inclusion of women and minorities in the police force?
  • How is crime control influenced by the contingency theory?
  • How does the environment in which police organizations function influence its operational activities? Explain your reasoning in context with the appropriate policing theory.

Law Homework Help