Mathematics homework help

Mathematics homework help. CMSC 350 Project 4Create a GraphUMUC generic class that can represent a graph data structure where each node is of type T.Specific requirements include:·     Define appropriate methods, including a good toString() method.·     Implement depth and breadth first traversal algorithms on a the GraphUMUC class defined above.·     Use a data file format from the Week 7 Discussions as input to your program.·     Generate a variety of graph data files to test your program, using a String data type.·     Generate a variety of graph data files using the class you defined in W1E1.·     Extend the GUI interface you have been using for the previous projects in this class.·     Demonstrate that your program works.·         Submission should include the following in a single zip file:o    a readme file (see below)o    all source code fileso    relevant data files·         Documentation (a readme file) for the project should include the following sections:o    a description of the design,o a user’s guide o a test plano     a section on lessons learnedo this should be a single file in one of the following formats: doc, docx, txt, odt, pdf o this should be a professional quality presentationo     there should be appropriate comments in the source code filesSubmit your zip file to the project 4 submission area.

Mathematics homework help

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