Mathematics Homework Help

Mathematics Homework Help. MATH 160 Cuyamaca MOD14 Confidence Intervals Unique Data Set in StatCrunch Worksheet


Question 3 – Confidence Intervals


Of the students randomly chosen for your data set, what percent of students do not work any amount?

Sort the “work” column in ascending order to easily find the number of students who do not work and use that value to create a percentage. Watch this short video to learn how to sort the work column (Links to an external site.) in your data set.

Use the percentage in part a) to create a 95% confidence interval estimate for the percentage of all college students who do not work. (see concepts in Units 6 & 7 – Modules 14-19)

Show your work. You can either use the math-type feature in Canvas to write out your steps or you can take a picture and upload handwritten work.

Interpret your confidence interval in complete sentences. “We are 95% confident that…”

What is the margin of error for the confidence interval you found? What could you do to make the confidence interval more precise/smaller? Explain using complete sentences.

Mathematics Homework Help