Mathematics Homework Help. CSCI University of Central Florida Integer Representations and Algorithms Questions
I have a e.xam at 2pm EST till 4 PM EST discrete structures
please BID if you did not take a question similar to this one from another student
don’t bid if you will gamble with my grade please.
The e.xam will be between chapter 4 and chapter 5 which will cover the following topics:
– Chapter 4:
4.1: Divisibility and Modular Arithmetic.
4.2: Integer Representations and Algorithms.
4.3: Primes and Greatest Common Divisors
4.4: Solving Congruences
4.5: Applications Congruences
4.6: Cryptography
– Chapter 5:
5.1: Mathematical Induction.
5.2: Strong Induction and well-ordering
5.3: Recursive definitions and structural Induction
5.4: Recursive Algorithms
5.5: Program Correctness
Thank you